The "Liujgoj Romanization System for Cantonese" (溜歌粤语拼音方案) is derived from the "Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Cantonese Romanization Scheme" (香港语言学学会粤语拼音方案), abbreviated as "Jyutping" (粤拼). It is referred to as "Liujgoj Yvthping" (溜歌粤拼).

Compared to "Jyutping," "Liujgoj Yvthping" has made the following adjustments:

1, Initial [j]: In "Jyutping," the letter "j" is used to represent this sound, whereas "Liujgoj Yvthping" uses the letter "y." 2, Final [y]: In "Jyutping," the letters "yu" represent this sound, while "Liujgoj Yvthping" uses the letter "v." 3, Tones: In "Jyutping," numbers 1 to 6 represent the tones, but "Liujgoj Yvthping" uses specific letters to indicate the tones: - The letter “j” represents tone 1. For example, "fu1" in Jyutping is written as "fuj" in Liujgoj Yvthping.
- The letter “r” represents tone 2. For example, "fu2" in Jyutping is written as "fur" in Liujgoj Yvthping.
- Tone 3 is considered the default tone in Liujgoj Jyutping, meaning no special symbol is required. Therefore, "fu3" in Jyutping is simply written as "fu" in Liujgoj Yvthping, assuming the default tone is 3.
- The letter “x” represents tone 4. For example, "fu4" in Jyutping is written as "fux" in Liujgoj Yvthping.
- The letter “q” represents tone 5. For example, "fu5" in Jyutping is written as "fuq" in Liujgoj Yvthping.
- The letter “h” represents tone 6. For example, "fu6" in Jyutping is written as "fuh" in Liujgoj Yvthping.